Ellen Puls, a seasoned graphic designer and illustrator, brings a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in branding and marketing, with a particular focus on small businesses. Ellen is based in Minneapolis and has a degree in graphic design with a minor in Spanish studies from The University of Minnesota.

Before embarking on her independent practice, Ellen played a key role as Co-Owner of Kazoo Branding, a marketing firm based in NE Minneapolis. Beyond her professional endeavors, Ellen actively contributes to the Twin Cities skateboarding community. She has served as Secretary on the Board of Directors for the nonprofit organization Midwest Skateboard Alliance, contributed her coaching and design skills to the Girls Skate Club at 3rd Lair Skatepark, and has been a supporter of Roll Thru Skate Collective events.

Ellen's expertise lies in the artful use of graphic design and illustration to forge powerful connections between organizations and their target audience, boosting brand engagement to higher levels. If your business seeks innovative solutions, don't hesitate to reach out. Elevate your brand with Ellen's creative touch.

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